Understanding Net Promoter score Software

There are many terms in customer care industries which we are not familiar with. NPS or Net Promoter Score is one of them. The Net Promoter score can divide your customers into three different categories. –

– Promoters
– Passives
– Detractors

An NPS score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of the promoters. It is a customer relations metric, used as a part of customer satisfaction analysis. This metric is based on customer assumptions.

Promoters are customers that give you a score of at least 9/10. Passives are those that give you a score a 7-8. Detractors score your business at a 6 or lower.

The Use of NPS

Your NPS is a simple metric to measure customer satisfaction. It can show impacts of customer support programs and can give you a comparison metric against your competitors. It can also be used to set benchmarks for enhancement of customer satisfaction.

Net promoter score software can determine if your customers would recommend you to others or not.

Types of Net Promoter score Software

There are different kinds of NPS software available for obtaining Net Promoter score benchmarks. Your NPS score is usually calculated by asking your customers to rate your business.

The best Net Promoter score Software available

– Delighted – This is an easy to use software that can be set to automatically get ratings from your customers. It has an intuitive interface and content is easy to extract. It allows you to send multiple surveys to various groups of customers.

– Customer Gauge – This software is geared more towards enterprise companies. It allows you to customize everything to meet your precise needs. It is, however, quite complicated and not the most user friendly. It has the ability to add extra questions to surveys to get even more feedback from customers.

– Qualtrics – This software is considered one of the world’s leading insight technology provider. It provides an easy way to create and send surveys to all sorts of customers and offers the flexibility to add extra questions.

Your Net Promoter Score benchmark is an important thing for many companies to achieve. Establishing theses benchmarks can give you an easy way to track your company’s progress and measure customer satisfaction.